Have You Taken the 2020 Census?

The Census is taken once every decade and is used to record the population of the country. The data gained from the Census is used to determine federal funding for things such as schools, fire departments, hospitals, jobs, and many other services and programs within the United States. The data from the Census is also used to focus on the needs of each state individually and the communities within each state. Communities with large populations have a need for more public services, housing, and jobs, therefore, it is very important for each member of every community to participate in the 2020 Census.

Please take a moment to complete the 2020 Census in efforts to assist lawmakers and business owners to make critical decisions that will affect the nation’s next decade. The new deadline to complete and turn in your Census response is September 30, 2020.  Completing the Census online only takes 10 minutes, click on the link below to get started!
